What is cyberbullying?

Cyberbullying can take many forms

A troll is a person who uses a communication device (like a cellphone) to disturb, harass, or intimidate another person with the intent to be mean or to scare them. This type of behavior is cyberbullying, and fortunately, it is possible to put an end to it. 

Cyberbullying can take many forms, such as insults (for example, about your appearance) or threats (saying they will attack you at school). If you face this, here’s a simple method to remember…

Take CARE of yourself:

Cyberbullying is in progress!
Alert a trusted adult
Record the conversation
End it and block the person

You can make a difference

You can also witness cyberbullying against someone else. Good news: you can make a difference! First, you can stand up for them by showing your support. You can tell them about IT RYMES to help end the situation and even report it to a trusted adult. By not tolerating cyberbullying, no matter the circumstances, you help make social media safer for everyone.

Speak up against cyberbullying

Experiencing cyberbullying can cause anxiety, sadness, or fear of returning to school. It is completely normal to feel these emotions when you or a friend are being attacked, even if it’s on social media. The important thing is to seek help when it happens. You can talk to your parent, a trusted friend, or an adult at your school. You have everything to gain by speaking up, believe me!

Resources to help you

Discover organizations that can support you. Their goal is the same: to listen to you and provide advice regarding your problematic situation.