The Kit in few words
Supporting your child in finding solutions and better informing them about social media.

The objective of the Anti-Troll Kit is the same as yours: the well-being of your child and the end of the cyberbullying situation.
The Anti-Troll Kit was created to support your child in finding solutions adapted to their reality. Several external partners participated in the project, offering ways to end a cyberbullying situation experienced by your child. The goal is to find the solution that best suits them based on their needs and motivations, in line with the anti-bullying and anti-violence plan of their school.
Their collaboration is essential but not at any cost. Imposing measures or interventions on someone experiencing cyberbullying that do not meet their needs or with which they are uncomfortable is not beneficial. This is why the Anti-Troll Kit was created.
The Anti-Troll Kit also offers educational capsules in the kids section (ages 8-11) to help them better understand social media, know the consequences of improper use, and navigate more safely.
What is a troll?
A troll is an individual who uses telecommunications to annoy, harass, or intimidate someone maliciously or to incite fear.
Guide for parents
Resources for parents
Tel-jeunes Parents is there for you! To listen, to reflect on your situation, or to make known the services and resources available for your teen.