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Citizen mediation

Are you attending high school and experiencing a difficult situation with another person from your school? Know that you have access to citizen mediation in an Equijustice in Quebec.

What is citizen mediation?

Citizen mediation is a process of dialogue between people, on any subject, without going through the legal system. It can be conducted in a variety of ways: in person, by letter, by telephone, by videoconference, etc.

How does it work?

The mediators are there to listen to you, without judgment. They will work with you to explore the various possible options based on the situation you are experiencing and your expectations. They are there to support you and help you manage the situation.

A voluntary approach

If you wish to enter into a dialogue with the other person, the mediators will guide you and make sure you have a safe place to talk. This type of approach is voluntary and you can withdraw from the process at any time.

Citizen mediation is a free, confidential service available to everyone.

Resources to help you

Need to talk to someone? Discover organizations that can support you. Their goal is the same: to listen to you and provide advice for your problematic situation.